> ################################
> # This might come closer to what you want.
> foreach my $log (@NBlogs2) {
>    if ($log =~ m{([[:alpha:]]+)/log.\d+}) {
>      my $word = $1;
>      my $number = $subdir_for{$word};
>      qx(echo cp $log $oldir/$number);
>    }
> }

I used Data::Dumper to test this code and am wondering
why the scalar variable assign. my $number is not
working or "sticking"???  See below

foreach my $log (@twoweekdir_contents) {
  $NBlogs2[ $i++ ] = $log 
  if ($log =~ /bpcd\/log|bpdbm\/log|bptm\/log\.\d+/);
  if (@NBlogs2) {
    foreach my $logs (@NBlogs2) {
       if ($logs =~ m{([[:alpha:]]+)/log\.\d+}) {
          print "word variable assgn:\t",
          Dumper(my $word = $1);
          print "number assgn from hash:\t",
          Dumper(my $number = $subdir_for{$word});
          print "word output:\t",
          print "number output:\t",
          print "copy call:\t",
          Dumper(qx(echo cp $logs $oldir/$number) );
else {
         print LOG dateme(),
         "\nArray NBlogs2 is null $!";
         die $!;


If I change $number to $word is obviously does the
copy correctly, but what is the point of 
my $number = $subdir_for{$word};



word variable assgn:    $VAR1 = 'bpcd';
number assgn from hash: $VAR1 = 8;
word output:    $VAR1 = 'bpcd';
$VAR2 = '
number output:  $VAR1 = 8;
$VAR2 = '
copy call:      $VAR1 = 'cp
word variable assgn:    $VAR1 = 'bpdbm';
number assgn from hash: $VAR1 = 13;
word output:    $VAR1 = 'bpdbm';
$VAR2 = '
number output:  $VAR1 = 13;
$VAR2 = '
copy call:      $VAR1 = 'cp
word variable assgn:    $VAR1 = 'bptm';
number assgn from hash: $VAR1 = 39;
word output:    $VAR1 = 'bptm';
$VAR2 = '
number output:  $VAR1 = 39;
$VAR2 = '
copy call:      $VAR1 = 'cp

thank you

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