I need some help in this again. Firt I built a hash
consisting of 52 unique subdir names, but 3 of these
sub-dirs have a dash like so  bpjava-msvc. During the
translation is the coorect way to ignore the by using 
the \?

my %subdir_for = (
  'bpjava\-msvc'   => 23,
 'bpjava\-susvc'   => 24,
 'bpjava\-usvc'    => 25,

Finally I have created a subroutine called zipit that
uses Archive::Zip.  I need to pass into this routine
all the absolute path names (which includes the file 2
b zipped), but I am getting the raw hash data
returned. archive zip call:      
archive zip call:      
I have tried using the addDirectory method and the
membersMatching method.

snip <...>

sub words_to_num {
 my ($words) = @_;

 ##-- Treat each sequence of whitespace,non-wsp as a
word --##
 my @words = split /\s+|\S+/, $words;

 ##-- Translate each word to its appropriate number
 my $num = q{};
 foreach my $word (@words) {
  my $digit = $subdir_for{ lc $word };
  if ( defined $digit ) {
   $num .= $digit;

 return $num;

sub zipit {

##-- Add all readable files below $oldir --##
##-- and write them into a file.         --##

my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
my $entry = $zip->addDirectory ("$oldir/$word/")
 or die "Failed to add file for archive zip $!";
my @entries = $entry->membersMatching('log.*');
 or die "Failed to write zip file $!" if $zip !=

foreach my $log (@twoweekdir_contents) {
    $NBlogs1[$e++] = $log if $log !~ /bpcd|bpdbm|bptm/
and $log =~ /log.\d+/;

 if (@NBlogs1) {
 foreach my $logs1 (@NBlogs1) {
   if ($logs1 =~ m{([[:alpha:]]+)/log\.\d+}) {
     $word      = $1;
     $number = $subdir_for{$word};
     #print "copy call:\t",Dumper(qx(cp $logs1 $oldir/
$word) );
     print "\n";
     #print "gzip call:\t",Dumper(qx($gzip
$oldir/$word/*) );
      #print "archive zip call:\t",
      print "archive zip call:\t", zipit($logs1);

thank you

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