> Hi folks,
> I have the following in a CGI script:

> When this code gets run (via webpage) I get the
> following in the
> error_log:
> <snip>
> > output:  
> > result: 256
> We trust you have received the usual lecture from
> the local System
> Administrator. It usually boils down to these two
> things:
>    #1) Respect the privacy of others.
>    #2) Think before you type.
> Password:
> RC: 
> </snip>
> In other words, it seems to be asking for a
> password. However when I run
> this from a regular prompt as the webserver user, it
> works fine.
> I have a check for the UID in the script, and it's
> the right one. I also
> have NOPASSWD set in sudoers.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks!
> richf

Did you edit the sudoers file using visudo -f "file"
Show us the sudoers file using cat -etu "file".
Has this user ever successfully logged in?


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