> Say I have 2 modules ( below pseudo codes ) , which the first
> package ( InitGlobal ) will be used through out the other project
> modules. However, InitGlobal itself would relay on some other modules,
> which the modules using InitGlobal too.
> This sometimes caused some weir problem, or perhaps it
> just runable with luck. So I have to fix it one by on with to cutting
> some shareable code to another .pl file with require() to call them,
> but sound quite terrible enough. Not sure how do Perl handle this, or
> is that any standard way for module inter-relay ( or Is that any
> formal term to call this ? )

So you have two interdependend modules, right? A uses stuff from B, B 
uses stuff from A.

You should reorder your code to prevent this. And if the two are too 
intertwined to do that, put them both into the same file.

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When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
        -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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