On 05/26/2007 07:17 AM, pauld wrote:
ive read a load of data in  from a CSV file with Text::CSV and ended
up with a hash (%hash) where the keys are the column labels.
my  @headings=split(/,/,$rows[0])
and then

for (my $j=1;$j<$#rows;$j++)
my $status  = $csv->parse ($rows[$j]);   # parse a CSV string into

You don't check $status to see if the parse succeeded.

my @columns = $csv->fields ();           # get the parsed fields

for (my $i=0;$i<$#columns;$i++)

Now %hash contains the data for the last record processed; however, data from any previous records have been obliterated.

I want to  process the data once its grouped by the date field present
in $hash. So i think I want a hash of dates  where the key is that
date field
I  push onto the value the hashes of the records that contain the date

push @{$Hofdates{$hash{DATE}}},\%hash;

but im having a problem working out how to access the  individual
items in the  hashes that are elements of the array

The module Data::Dumper can help you see what's in your hash, but you need to rethink how you initialize the first hash (%hash).

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