On 06/20/2007 08:40 AM, yitzle wrote:
I took down the firewall and got the same results.

Could not fetch authors/id/K/KA/KASEI/Crypt-Simple-0.06.tar.gz
Giving up on '/home/Admin/.cpan/sources/authors/id/K/KA/KASEI/Crypt-Simple-0.06.tar.gz' Note: Current database in memory was generated on Sat, 05 May 2007 21:09:57 GMT

May 5th is too long ago. Those mirrors might not be up-to-date; they might not even be CPAN mirrors anymore.

I suggest going through the entire CPAN configuration again: "o conf init"; you'll get a chance to select a new set of mirrors and other options.

Probably the indexes will be re-downloaded after you've finished the configuration, but if they're not, do "reload index"

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