On 7/2/07, Gabriel Striewe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear List,

I wanted to interpolate a function reference in a here doc.
The following works fine:

my $hello = sub {
                 return "hello world!";

printf "hello $s\n", &$hello();

But when I use a heredoc instead, it doesn't work:

print <<END;
hello &$hello()

At least it does not properly dereference this function

What do I do wrong?

You will encounter the problem if instead of

   printf "hello %s\n", &$hello();

you would have tried:

   print "hello &$hello()\n";

That's an issue with the rules of string interpolation. (Read "perldoc
perlop", section on quote-like operators.) Simplistically, I think the
right thing you are expecting for (calling the code ref in $hello) is
not done because the only sigils that matter in interpolation are $
and @. That's why

  $ perl -e '$h = sub {1}; print "hello &$h()" '
  hello &CODE(0x10240d64)()

(where the only thing interpolated was the stringification of the code
ref in $h).

The weird/scary way to make it work is

$ perl -e '$h = sub {1}; print "hello @{[ &$h() ]}" '
hello 1

Thanks for your advice.



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