El Jul 18, 2007, a las 11:19 PM, Joseph L. Casale escribió:
How can I detect this, I have been running some code for a few days to develop some files and ran into the situation where I am getting the following data for input:

14.95313 14.45312 0
14.95313 1.570813E-015 0
14.95313 -14.45313 0
-14.95313 -28.90625 0
-14.95313 -14.45313 0
-14.95313 1.570813E-015 0
-14.95313 14.45312 0
14.95313 -28.90625 0
0 -28.90625 0
-14.95313 28.90625 0
0 28.90625 0
14.95313 28.90625 0

And my code is skipping some lines as it checks for any erroneous data:
next if grep (/[^0-9.-]/, @data);
But that thinks the scientific notation is bad. I searched the net and didn't find anything. How can I match this specific pattern and convert it?

I am not sure I understand the problem to solve.

You need to filter out lines that contain something that's *not* a number? If that's the case, is @data a split on whitespace for each line? If that's the case in turn, have a look at

  perldoc -q determine

or delegate the job to Regexp::Common:

$ perl -MRegexp::Common -wle 'print 1 if "1.570813E-015" =~ /\A$RE {num}{real}\z/'

-- fxn

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