On 7/20/07, Chas Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/20/07, Adriano Ferreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just adding to what John already said, it hangs because, when used
> without arguments like script file names or "  -e 'print qq{Hello,
> world\n}'       ", it expects the script is coming from the standard
> input.
> So you can do
> $ perl -wT
> print "Hello, world!\n";
> for (1..10) {
>     print STDOUT ('one','two','three')[$_ % 3];
> }
> Hello, world!
> ^D (or something that tells your system the stream is over)
> twothreeonetwothreeonetwothreeonetwo

There are also some Perl REPLs* out there that allow you to use a Perl
interpreter interactively.

zoidberg, a Perl shell:

zoidberg is intented to be a shell (like bash, zsh) only that the
command language is Perl. Not exactly a simple REPL.

psh, another Perl shell: http://sourceforge.net/projects/psh/
Devel::REPL, a modern Perl REPL:

The modernity of Devel::REPL is at using state-of-art Perl OO like
Moose and being extendable. Beyond that, this modernity means today
some 5 seconds to start the interactive interpreter ;-)

$ re.pl
(5 seconds later, your prompt:)

There are probably others out there.

I am one of the contenders here, having written Shell::Perl


which needs severely more work to be a really decent REPL. But for
now, it works (if you accept its limitations)

* REPL stands for Read, Eval, Print, Loop.

Adriano Ferreira

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