On Aug 15, 2007, at 6:45 PM, Dennis G. Wicks wrote:

I have, conservatively, dozens of html files to change.

I can find them and pass the file name to perl and
do the usual s/// changes but there is one change I can't
figure out.

There is a line in each file that looks like


of course, they are all different!

How can I change the hyphens to spaces in this line only?

Complicating the task is:

    1. I don't know that there is only one such line per file.
       I need to get them all.
    2. I don't know that all <H1> are upper case.
    3. Not all of the <H1> lines are the same record in the file.

I think this satisfies those constraints:

perl -0777 -pi.bak -we 's{(<h1>)(.*?)(</h1>)}{$x = $2; $x =~ tr:-: :; "$1$x$3"}geis' *.html

We slurp the file with -0777 to be able to work across lines (I undestand (3) that way). Then we capture stuff between H1s case insensitive, tr/// what's in between. Note that $n-variables are read- only, that's why we copy the capture into a regular variable.

Of course that assumes a simple regexp is enough, you need to judge whether that's the case in your data set.

-- fxn

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