On 10/10/07, Pavel Vodopyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Friends!
> Does anybody know how to call DLL functions from Perl script.
> (On Windows OS).
> I will be thankful for any ideas.
> Thank you.

This depends heavily on the DLL you are talking about.  Most (if not
all) of the Win32 interface is reachable through modules named
Win32::* (if you are using Activestate you already have most of them).
 If the DLL is not part of Win32 but is popular enough then there is a
good chance you can find a module to expose its functions to Perl.  If
it is not a popular DLL then you are stuck exposing its interface to
Perl yourself.  The way to do this is through either Inline::C* or XS.
 XS is the preferred method last time I checked.  You can find out
more about XS from these docs

perldoc perlxstut
perldoc perlxs
perldoc perlguts
perldoc perlclib
perldoc perlapi

* http://search.cpan.org/dist/Inline/C/C.pod

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