
I have a variable setup as $pid and i've tried to call this in the prepare part 
of the DBI module but  i'm  get an "Unknown  column $pid" syntax error. 
Probably $pid was passed as a string instead of a variable inside the prepare 
(''). Anyone has an idea of how i can fix this?   Thanks. 

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column '$pid' in 'where clause' at 
createThesaurus.pl line 33,


while ( <NEW> ) {
    next if $. == 1;  # exclude header
    my ($pid,$thesaurus_from,$thesaurus_to,$thesaurus_type) = split /\|/;

#Update override_exclude set th_flag="N" to indicate that thesaurus entries
#have been added to sierra2_thesaurus.xml

        use DBI;
        my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:endeca_tracking",$user,$password);
        my $sth = $dbh->prepare('update override_exclude set th_flag="N" where 
pid=$pid') or die "Couldn't prepare statement" .$dbh->errstr;

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