On Jan 30, 2008, at 6:20 PM, Gilad Shainer wrote:

For BW, Lx provides ~1400MB/s, EX is ~1500MB/s and ConnectX is ~1900MB/s
uni-directional on PCIe Gen2.

Feel free to contact me directly for more info.


My god, IB bandwidths always confuse me. :-)

I thought IB SDR was 10 GB/s signal rate and 8 Gb/s data rate. How do you squeeze ~1400 MB/s out of 8 Gb/s?

I see you offer Lx cards in PCIe 4x and 8x. Again, PCIe is encoded at 10bit/8bit so the data rate is 8 Gb/s. So the above value is for your 8x cards only, no? The thread is about your 4x cards, no?

Are there many PCIe Gen2 motherboards yet?

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