On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 02:36:22PM +0000, Lux, Jim (337C) wrote:
> This comes up every few years..
> Someone at work was complaining at lunch that the latest laptops have nice 
> screens but don’t have much memory, largely because they want to keep the 
> battery size reasonable ("thin is in”).. my suggestion was “well, why don’t 
> you just use your laptop as the user interface to a bigger more powerful 
> compute node/nodes”
> That devolved into a “but what I really want is the horsepower of my desktop 
> machine”..
> Leaving aside the “use the network to connect to a CPU somewhere else”
> We then started discussing whether anyone makes motherboards with high 
> performance processors, lots of RAM, maybe a GPU for computation (but no 
> display hooked up), but none of the other stuff, and then run off batteries..
> Like a battery powered Intel NUC, but with way more horsepower
> The top of the line NUC seems to have a 19V, 65W power supply..  arstechnica 
> says they burn about 50W running full out.   Let’s say you want to run for 4 
> hours, so you need 200 Whr.
> A 18650 Li battery is 3.4 Ah @ 3.6V, that’s about 23 Wh, so you’d need 9 of 
> them.  That’s not all that big a package.. Arranged in a row, they’d be 65mm 
> by 162 mm..
> Prismatic (brick shaped) batteries are 350 Wh/Liter, 135Wh/kg.. so 200 Wh is 
> going to be about half a liter (50x100x100 mm) and 1.5 kg

10 x Beaglebone Black would be good for maximum power/minimum space/minimum 
volume and cost.

10 x Beaglebone Green might also provide WiFi networking

64 x Raspberry Pi model B - original, not Pi B+ / 2 / 3 - was tried. Not 
necessarily running off one power socket - PoE, network switches etc.

Search for 64 node Raspberry Pi Bramble cluster 

All the best,

Andy C.

> James Lux, P.E.
> Task Manager, DHFR Space Testbed
> Jet Propulsion Laboratory
> 4800 Oak Grove Drive, MS 161-213
> Pasadena CA 91109
> +1(818)354-2075
> +1(818)395-2714 (cell)

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