On 20/05/17 00:33, John Hanks wrote:

> There is a potentially lost PhD project there which was to be defended
> this month for which the person may simply give up and another project
> which represents two years of work but was never copied anywhere else.

Our policy is that any files that haven't been accessed for 60 days on
our scratch filesystem is automatically nuked.  So hopefully we never
build up to that point..  (crosses fingers)

> We also have many users who don't read notices and who probably aren't
> aware yet there was a problem so it's possible there is more loss yet to
> be noticed.
For us it's necessary to keep utilisation down and projects have to sign
up to access it first and so have to acknowledge they understand that
policy.  We are considering making it accessible to all projects by
default and including in the standard T&C's for access, but that has to
get through the lawyers first. :-)

All the best,
 Christopher Samuel        Senior Systems Administrator
 Melbourne Bioinformatics - The University of Melbourne
 Email: sam...@unimelb.edu.au Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545

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