> However, I do think Scott's approach is potentially very useful, by
> jobs < full node to one end of a list of nodes and jobs that want full
> to the other end of the list (especially if you use the partition idea to
> ensure that not all nodes are accessible to small jobs).

Yes, not First In Last Out scheduling, more like
Fragmentary Entry  Fractional  Incoming First Out  Full Unreserved for MPI

I shall get my coat on the way out.

On 12 June 2018 at 06:33, Chris Samuel <ch...@csamuel.org> wrote:

> Hi Prentice!
> On Tuesday, 12 June 2018 4:11:55 AM AEST Prentice Bisbal wrote:
> > I to make this work, I will be using job_submit.lua to apply this logic
> > and assign a job to a partition. If a user requests a specific partition
> > not in line with these specifications, job_submit.lua will reassign the
> > job to the appropriate QOS.
> Yeah, that's very much like what we do for GPU jobs (redirect them to the
> partition with access to all cores, and ensure non-GPU jobs go to the
> partition with fewer cores) via the submit filter at present..
> I've already coded up something similar in Lua for our submit filter (that
> only
> affects my jobs for testing purposes) but I still need to handle memory
> correctly, in other words only pack jobs when the per-task memory request
> *
> tasks per node < node RAM (for now we'll let jobs where that's not the
> case go
> through to the keeper for Slurm to handle as now).
> However, I do think Scott's approach is potentially very useful, by
> directing
> jobs < full node to one end of a list of nodes and jobs that want full
> nodes
> to the other end of the list (especially if you use the partition idea to
> ensure that not all nodes are accessible to small jobs).
> cheers!
> Chris
> --
>  Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC
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