On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 9:33 PM Lux, Jim (US 7140)
<james.p....@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> Do you want one with a scissor lift type arrangement, or with a "prongs" 
> arrangement (more like a forklift)

we have one with the prongs now, that's one of the biggest issues.
trying to slide an unlevel server, that's very heavy, onto rails in
the rack is difficult.  and with the width of the isle and the counter
weight on the lift, trying to lift the low side of the server slightly
involves and act of yoga by a superhero

i was looking at ones from serverlift, they seem to have a flat
platform and side hoist rather then a rear hoist.  seems like a good
design, but before i buy something i'd like to get some unbiased
opinions on it or others like it.
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