Is Don on the list any more?


On 2/25/22 16:59, Douglas Eadline wrote:
Here is an over simplification

   Thomas managed the project
   Jim provided the funds
   Don was the main engineer who made it happen

It would be great if someone made a short documentary video
with interviews from the key players. Oh wait,



Thanks for sharing. Is anyone else disappointed to not see Don Becker on
that list? I don't mean to rain on Jim Fischer,'s parade, or his
contribution to the project - I know nothing about him or his role in
the project. When I ever I hear someone talk about the first Beowulf
cluster, the two names I always hear mentioned are Thomas Sterling and
Don Becker, and they've been singled out as the creators of Beowulf many
times (at the BeoBash on the 25th anniversary of Beowulf, for example).
I've never heard of Jim Fischer before.


On 2/25/22 8:00 AM, Michael DiDomenico wrote:
in case you missed it, apparently beowulf computing is being inducted
into the space technologies hall of fame.  in other news apparently
there's a space technologies hall of fame...

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