Hi all,

Unfortunately we had an unexpected outage for the Beowulf mailing list from last weekend through to today. As you may know this list was until a few years ago run by Don Becker at Penguin Computing and I took it over after he'd left and it had been running on autopilot.

It now runs on a VM I provide and Penguin had kindly delegated the DNS to the hosting company I use, but it appears there was confusion over who owned the domain and its registration lapsed (I suspect on the weekend). I realised on Wednesday and after some frantic emailing of people at both Penguin and in the community (thanks Doug, Lara!) contact was re-established and Penguin have kindly renewed the domain for 5 years and we're back in business.

Apologies for this! I should have realised that I wasn't getting the usual spam that gets sent to the admin address earlier but I was out at the Slurm Users Group. :-D

All the best,
Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA
Beowulf mailing list, Beowulf@beowulf.org sponsored by Penguin Computing
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