"I am sure this behavior will change, but was
wondering about it being a normal behavior when delivery is near?"

Dear Pat,

Many bitches stop eating about 24
hours before whelping.
If  she is carrying out this false pregnancy to the "end" she might be
this behavior.
Do  keep an eye on her  temp.
though  just in case of other causes
such as a uterine or bladder infection.
These could lead her to believe she is
pregnant due to the  location of the pain
they  cause.
One of our girls who had  an  ear hematoma smelled the blood  when it was
drained and immediately associated the scent of  blood with birthing.
She hurried up and checked her crotch  to
see if a puppy had appeared! :  )
I told her, "No you don't have puppies  coming
out your ears."  : )
Uterine infections can come on very suddenly,
and become life threatening just as fast.
Not very common in bitches as young as
yours,  but neither are false pregnancies.



Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners

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