"SO, this debate about "free range berners", combined with my recent
experiences (& expenses)has taught me that some berners are probably very
happy receiving their
exercise on the leash (hello, Zeus), while others seek more freedom of


Good for you!
All your HARD work has paid off in peace of mind.
Even though he seems to be "unimpressed" with all your efforts you can rest
assured that he is safe and sound and can safely run free in his back yard.
Also no other dogs can get in to harm him and you'll never have to worry
that he could get tangled up on that lead run you had previously.
Even with a swivel I've heard of dogs ending up strangled while tied to one
of those.
So, even if it may seem like you did it all for nothing, you didn't.

You have proven in another way that you are a loving and responsible dog
owner. :  )
Take a bow!



Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners

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