Hi Gail,

This project sounds like it has some great potention for one of our upcoming fundraisers!!! ;-D

Joye Neff, always thinking of ways to raise money for our beloved Berners!!

--On Friday, November 01, 2002 8:24 PM -0600 Gail Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:r

Wow.....lots of 'artists' out there and thanks to everyone for their
responses!  No, I am not painting (on) my dogs <grin> rather, I am
painting on field stones, painting images of my dogs on the rocks.
General consensus for Berner rust is burnt sienna (it seems so bright to
me) other colors mentioned for the rust and shading are: raw sienna, dark
umber, bright copper, raw umber, naples orange.  I'm definitely off to
the art store tomorrow to look at some of these colors.  I have burnt
sienna and raw sienna and have mixed colors as well.  I'm strictly a
beginner at this but it is addicting and the numerous, annoying rocks on
my property have taken a whole new meaning!  I am scanning photos of my
dogs, turning them into line drawings and transferring them onto rocks
with graphite paper..then I go by the color photo to paint.  Each one
gets a little better, so I am learning.

Gail Miller
Cynosure Bernese in Arkansas

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