On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 16:58:59 -0500 "Jennifer Popp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Surely you don't suggest that we pick the best 
> breeding
> pair and leave it at that? Why then, are some breeders adamant about 
> feeding
> said puppies well into their adult years? If I remember correctly, I 
> was
> sent home with specific feeding instructions when I got my first 
> dog

Many breeders give specific feeding instructions so that novice buyers
don't feed the cheapest food out there, nor do they want the pup to be
overfed. Some breeders have it as part of their contract that if you
don't feed "brand X" then their guarantee is nul and void. I feed a brand
of food that is difficult for my buyers to find on the market so I give
them a list of foods I have found to be comparable and acceptable. I tell
them how much to feed and how often. How many times do we see on the L
new owners asking what to feed, how much to feed and how often even after
they have recieved instructions.

If overfeeding were the reason puppies developed HD, then all fat puppies
would be seen to have it. There has to be that genetic predisposition to
develope HD there for the problem to  occur. This may be one of those
topics some of us may never believe in.

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

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