
I do not reccomend a diet that cannot be purchased with ease.
I do not preach to lock up the puppies with "Rancher Ray's veal calves."
I do preach to not use supplements in addition to kibble & water without
discussing it with me first "please".
I do hope unsupervised play with a puppy of eight weeks old and an adult 100
lb. dog will be avoided.
There are a lot of things experienced owners and breeder's think of as just
"common sense" but new owners need to be taught and mentored with.
I'll never forget a lady bringing me her Rottweiler bitch and saying, "Can
you please help her?" "We've done everything, bought everything we can think
of and she won't get better, my husband wants to put her down."
The poor girl had bare, thickened skin from behind her ears to her tail, but
on that skin was every "tonic" known to man, in different colors.
I took her in, first thing I did was to wash off all the "tonics" with a
very mild hypoallergenic shampoo. I waited about a week and gave her a bath
with a very mild flea shampoo and washed the bedding in her kennel run with
the same. (She was kenneled to protect my dogs from whatever she may have
been carrying.)
ALL her hair grew back, skin became supple once again.
I placed her in a wonderful new home and she never suffered any other skin
She had allergies to fleas. They obviously did not treat the premises, just
the dog, their other dogs (yes, unfortunately they had more)  just were not
as sensitive, the poor things, to the fleas.
They decided to bombard her with so many chemicals that she lost her hair
completely in that area from the "medicines" and fleas.
I had "common sense" therefore I was able to help her.



Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners

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