Fellow "L'ers"  I guess I should of prefaced my earlier response to "Okay, now what" 
scenario with the headers
"Ideal World"  AND "When Pigs Fly"

I personally don't think most breeders would offer a refund, much less a replacement 
puppy.  MOST breeders would probably be sympathetic but would tell us "that's the 
gamble you take getting this breed"

Being a person who wants a "performance" dog and loves to do activities with that dog 
whether it be drafting, Tracking or Obedience  I would like my "ideal" breeder to 
offer some kind of refund and offer another pup down the road.  I am sure most would 
charge me for another pup but maybe at lesser price  AGAIN  I am wearing "rose 
colored" glasses hoping for the best of ALL worlds  which I know AIN'T  going to 

We face a lot of issues with this breed and once you have one it  is like you can't 
face an empty house when you have lost your best friend.  Breeders have us PPO's over 
the barrel we want a pup and will jump through ANY and ALL hoops to get one.  It has 
been that way since 1986 when I first got into the breed and it is becoming even more 
so now with the exploitation of the breed.  We have stricter co-ownership contracts 
and have to sign our life away to even get one of thise precious bundles of joy.  I do 
pity someone entirely new to the BMD community for they are truly raked over the coals 
when looking for a pup.  Or even take someone who wants a "show" pup now instead of 
"pet"   that's a hard one as well for I feel most pups 90% are pet but some breeders 
out there sell all their pups as "show" prospect and so if a person is like me limited 
to amount of dogs I can afford to have (2)  I have to wait til another pup in future.  
  I have decided these 
last few years that I don't even want a "show" prospect any more  just give me my 
companion pup so that I can do all I want to with it and so what if I never earn a 
Versatility Award from BMDCA  ---  I just want a sound pup one in mind and BODY!

Again just my little ole .02 in this matter <G>

Pat Tackett

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