On Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:54:44 -0600 "Ruth Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm seeking an example and understanding here of breeders' scams and 
> am not
> questioning the validity of your statement above.  What guarantee is 
> more
> reasonable than, " If at any time you are not pleased with your dog, 
> return
> it and receive your money back?"  What would be the scam a person 
> offering
> such a guarantee would be plotting

Again Ruth and Rose, these are not issues. I think at anytime the buyer
wants to "get rid" of the dog and the seller wants/should buy the dog
back that is fine. The question from what I understood was the health
guarantee. Some owners are not willing to give up their much beloved sick
dog for compensation. They would like the breeder to take some
responsibility and while that is up to the breeder as to how they choose
to offer that responsibility, to say "I'll give you your money back just
send me the dog" is in my feeble way of looking at things trying to get
out from under their obligation.
I'll repeat the question - "what will the breeder do with this ailing dog
that may require major surgery once they have it back?" I think many will
just euthanize it, some may do the surgery but then what? If a breeder
wants to guarantee health issues then do so outright without requiring
the dog be sent back. If the owner does not want to keep the dog then
have a clause that the breeder has the right of first refusal in buying
the dog back. These are IMO seperate issues. Does this help or am I still

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

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