I too find that this thread is interesting and agree with most of what has been said 
about breeding and guarantees. When I sell a pup, I try not to make it sound like a 
good deal in that if the pup turns up dysplastic requiring surgery or  euthanasia the 
pup price will be refunded in full.  I go on further and let them know that while it 
may sound like a great deal, the price of the pup is only approximately 1/2 the price 
of the surgery. I also explain that I would be happy to take the pup back, but by that 
time the family is usually too attached to let them go, but I let them know it is an 
option should they choose it.
I do have a comment on clearances though..one that can tend to get different opinions. 
 What about Grade 1 elbows?  I think that this clearance rating is VERY subjective, 
unlike hip clearances.  Too many vets have way too many opinions on Grade 1's and I am 
not so sure I would throw the baby out with the bath water here. I refer you to the 
article listed at the BMD Health Links page (compiled by our wonderful Robin Camken) 
EVIDENCE by Dean R. Gahring, D.V.M., Diplomate.  I have copied the last few sentences 
of this article:
>>>Grading elbows that are dysplastic may be helpful to breeders because it has been 
>shown that breeding parents with higher grades of elbow dysplasia result in a higher 
>incidence of dysplasia in the progeny.  By only breeding normal or Grade I parents, 
>significant progress in Scandinavia and the UK has been made in reducing the 
>incidence of elbow dysplasia in Rottweilers and Bernese Mountain Dogs. <<<
I simply do not feel there is enoough info out there about grade 1 elbows.  I feel 
VERY differently about grade 2 elbows.
I hope I didn't open a can of worms here.  But I would love to hear others opinions.  
But please..no flames...just shared opinions.
Darcy Babb
Tijeras, NM

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