The way I interpreted Pat's comment about breeders who
"force" an owner to finish the CH on a "show quality"
pup was like this... not sure if this was what she
meant or not:

Oftentimes, the breeder has a pup or two left s/he
thinks are "nice" and wants to see these pups in a
show home.  In the not-so-distant past, Bernese were
hard to find.  So a person who really wanted
"just-a-pet" might get roped into a "show pup" just to
get a puppy from decent lines, soon... This person has
NO intention of breeding, just wants a nice dog.  They
don't really know what is involved, so they agree to
show the dog... then regret it.

About 7 years ago, I was having a hard time deciding
which girl pup to keep - both were nice.  I kept both
a while - until about 14 weeks - and then knew who I
was keeping... the other girl was also nice.  A
wonderful couple, new to Bernese, wanted the one I was
letting go.  I talked to them about co-ownership,
showing, etc. - clearly they just wanted a pet and so
she was sold as a pet on spay/neuter contract.  She is
a beautiful dog.  After she was spayed, her owners
expressed regret about her "lost" show career and it
was very simple - I assured them their dog wasn't
losing any sleep over it!!  She ended up with a
unilateral grade 1 elbow so I was so glad that she was
not placed as a breeding prospect (but to answer
Darcy's topic, I do not think it is a crime to
carefully and cautiously breed - and then *follow-up*
on this breeding - a bitch with Grade 1 ED).

Now, Sandy's example seemed to focus on ensuring that
a "show prospect" is finished BEFORE BEING BRED and
yes, I agree with Sandy on that.  If someone wants to
buy a breeding dog from Sandy, and she wants it to be
finished before it is bred, I totally support her view
on this.

Does this make sense?  I am not sure I really am
getting the point across but I tried!  I agree with
both of these ladies which may be confusing.

Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado

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