How can I possibly NOT make fun of the Mc Donalds hot coffee lawsuit!? It is 
a parody of itself! The lawyer may or may not be "a nice guy," but if you are 
stupid enough to put hot coffee in between your legs and drive off, too 
bad....if you wanted it cold you should have ordered a Diet Coke. Coffee is 
hot, news flash. It is really sad someone  got burned,  but we all do stupid 
things -- doesnt mean you get to blame someone else. Sad state our society is 
in, total lack of ability to take responsibility for your own actions...or 
when simple bad luck has to have someone at the tune of a few 
million dollars. A huge portion of the the real reason health care costs are 
skyrocketing is medical malpractice abuse and the lack of desperately needed 
tort reform legislation.

Anyway, dont get me going, obviously! Hee-hee! :-) 

But I guess the bottom line is dont trust the word of any group w/ such an 
obvious agenda....get the real scoop on the DES data (or any medical info) 
from a source knowledgable, neutral and scientific.

Vilma Briggs, MD
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
and rescue Berners: Charm (Thirdtym's A Charm CGC) and Willow
and now Ted

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