Congrats to Ray and Pat and the Eaglecap Gang,

> Got some beef ribs and trimmed off some of the excess fat and gave each 6
> week old puppy one .  GROWL  SNARL SNAP  and then the fun begin  They are
> riot tracking around with those ribs in their mouths.  We are big dogs

Just love it! Fond memories of my pups getting their first raw meaty bones

Would like to add in a puppy training pointer here! This the ideal time to
begin the training that allows you to remove coveted things from dogs'
mouths without getting bitten yourself!  And start the training that means
those pups do not snatch food from your hand.

Yes, wee babes! Love those RMB's! Better than any treat you can buy or make
and bake.

"Sit, Wait, OK!" Found it the easiest way ever to train "Sit". Even the
youngest pup learns this in a few short moments when RMB is the treat!
"Wait and OK!" takes a bit longer! Then there is the "Off" command! Any pup
attempts to get in there without permission gets this one as a growl first.
Once learned is to stop chewing and drop it! But, well worth it when you can
go in and get them to give up the prized bone without protest. Do it from
the very start 'cause when they are a lot bigger you never know when you
will need it! Out in the big wide world, who knows what they will pick up
and when you will want them to let go!

Biggest Berner Hugs,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

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