This is just a reminder, when you are replying to a message, please cut out just the 
specific part to which you are commenting. Do NOT copy the entire post, especially if 
you get the digest version.

If you are replying to the digest, please take a second to change the Subject line to 
something meaningful. It helps us all a great deal when you do!

And when you sign the note, please use a first and last name, and a geographic area at 
the very least. If you are 12 years old and your parents wisely wish you to post with 
only a first name, I'll happily make exceptions. But for the rest of us, it is 
considered courteous to sign the post with a full name. It helps those of us with 
swiss cheese memories to keep track of which Pat or Sue or Joe is posting.

Pat Long (& Luther)
List Co-Owner
Berwyn PA
Check any e-mail over the Web for free at MailBreeze (

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