I've been back on my seriously walk the dogs very regularly routine (I've
also taken up the hideous self torture of jogging, but I do that sans
dogs--the last thing I need is to be gasping down the pavement with a dog
who spots a deer or something). I'm not sure exactly how far my walk is,
although it is laps around my 12 acre property, which is not quite square,
since our neighbor's place takes a little bite out of one corner, and we
come in and around the woods instead of edging the woods on the outside. It
has rolling hills, though, as I live on a mountain. The spouse says it is
about a mile, give or take a little.

The dogs think this whole walking thing is really fab. When they think it
might be close to walking time, they start freaking out whenever I go into
the computer room, since the leashes live there. And if I start putting on
warm clothes, look out. Cassie the Pyr bitch starts nosing the doorknob, Mic
the Berner boy barks stridently and launches around like a loose cannon,
Lliira the Pyr girl cries, and Nessie the Newfie tries to herd me into the
leash zone.

I do three laps with Mic and Lliira, then swap and do three with Cassie and
Nessie. This morning, after Mic and Lliira's laps, I was swapping the
collars and leashes with Nessie and Cassie. Both have been working on
manners with this walking thing, so I make them sit and wait while I open
the door, and then sit and wait on the other side while I close the inner

They were very good this morning, BUT Mic (followed by Lliira) was NOT. I
have the girls half way through the door when this black tri colored bullet
crashes between me and Cassie, putting me on my butt. A white streak
followed suit. Great. Now I am trying to get Nessie and Cassie back in the
house, so I am wrestling 250 lbs of "we wanna go for our completely Lliira
is completely out of sight, totally gone. Mic is racing laps in the front
yard and up and down the drive.

Cussing up a streak, I manage to drag Ness and Cass in the house and unclip
the flexi's. I grab a six foot leather leash, run the clip through the hand
loop to make a fast collar, and zoom out the door to catch Mr. I'm-So-Hot
and look for Lliira the Invisible Pyr. Mic was playing keep away, so I
flopping in the snow to entice him over and snagged him with my leash lasso.
I brought him in the house, turned him loose, and bolted back out to look
for Lliira.

I headed down the drive, calling and thinking about missing dinner at the
in-laws because I spent the day hiking through the over 300 acres of woods
our back of the property neighbors own (which they do not allow us to walk
on, and they have been known to shoot deer out of season and I've had a cat
shot, too). As I was passing the barn and shed, I heard this little click
click of toenails. Lliira had gone into the tack shed to eat catfood! She
had a cat in there, who probably ran from her and led her into the cat food
buffet in the first place.

Whoo! What a relief. Since she was pretty cornered in the building, she
trotted right up to me to be caught and returned to the house. Mic was
banished to the crate and maintained in jail by the spouse, and Lliira shut
in the office. I then gathered up Nessie and Cassie for the second half of
my morning dog walk.

Managing four big enthusiastic dogs can be a trick. Mr. Micawber would be
wise not to try and pull that particular fast one again any time soon . . .

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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