On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 10:18:39 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> I'm as frustrated as you with much of the BMDCA...but I can't point 
> a finger 
> at the club per se, nor the leadership. Nor can I point a finger at 
> the large 
> breeders, simply because I truly don't know how they feel about the 
> various 
> proposals that have been offered for comment....they tend to be a 
> quiet group 
> as far as public forums goes. 

I'll explain my point of view a bit. The reason the finger pointing to
the club is that while much has been done by the board, (thank you
board), the hard core issues have remained hanging. When efforts to
devise a breeder referral program were started the "board" took over the
task and rewrote it as they saw fit and then asked for feedback. Surprise
but the whole thing has now been bogged down in opinion, debate and
rhetoric. When a code failed to meet the board's approval it was
rewritten by the board, then feedback was asked for and again not
surprisingly the whole mess got bogged down. No 2 members can agree on
what is responsible, what the BMDCA should stand for or what breeders
should do to be responsible. Since the board is going to rewrite and has
to approve of anything given to the membership to vote on, perhaps if
they quit asking for opinion and just gave the members something to vote
on we might end up with a new code and a BRP. 

Having just said all of that, I do think most breeders and stud owners
are already doing most of what we should see in a code of conduct. I
think there are exceptions to all rules and to point the finger at large
breeders (hell, that's another definition I doubt we would agree on) may
be incorrect. I do think the board wants to keep from "offending" or
chasing any breeders off by requiring anything of substance from them.
God forbid we should demand our breeders wait til their bitches and stud
dogs are mature prior to breeding and that we actually state what that
maturity age should be. Or that we require stud dog owners to be equally
responsible for puppies out of their stud dog owners. Or that we require
all breeding dogs to be DNA tested. Or that we require all dogs prior to
breeding to have been OFA'd (not prelims either). That we require CERF
and other appropriate testing. No I guess it's not just the large
breeders who would be upset by this. 
> I put the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the 
> overwhelming 
> majority of the membership who are either playing ostrich, defensive 
> lineman, 
> or being just plain unconcerned about anything outside their 
> backyard.  

Well I do know that you can only hit your head against a brick wall (or
should I say a board) so long and then you just don't care. I've reached
that point and think others have too. The membership may not have an
opinion. I do know that some of us who have had ideas and opinions which
may not be reflective of the "board's" vision of the BMDCA (whatever that
is) have pretty much been silenced. Personally, you can count me in on
the I don't give a <blank> anymore. The BMDCA and board will do what they
want. Whether this is true or not it is the way I have been left to feel
about the BMDCA.

I do not feel like I have sat back and taken pot shots. I made an effort,
it was totally rejected, I felt frustration and disgust at what was
offered as a compromise and so have nothing more to offer since this
would seem to be the direction the club wishes to take. Until I see
something of substance I will criticize this club

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

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