Some of the ways to get the dog back up on the top of the mountain, roaming about the farm, would be to appoint breed wardens (I would like these to be no-nonsense kind of gals like Mary Alice, Debby Mulvey, and Esther Mueller (excuse spellings), rules that allow no leniency such as you may not breed a bitch before age two years and, should anyone think I am picking on breeders, home inspections required for every potential owner of a new pup and also required in other circumstances as well, and stringent requirements for health, temperament, conformation, etc. before breeding and only allowing a dog or bitch so many pups. It is a discouraging and disheartening "given" that this will not happen in the USA. If the breed continues, I feel in my heart, on its present course, it MIGHT face near extinction, perhaps not in our lifetimes but, as it becomes more frail and shy and unhealthy due to a population grown beyond control and less reputable breeders outnumbering the conscientious breeders, there might be an overwhelming failure to thrive among these most noble of dogs driving either a small group of fanciers to pick up the pieces and try to rebuild or, even these most dedicated of dog people to contemplate giving up as the task will be so monumental and they can not ascertain that others will be eager to carry on their work. Too, a mindset "should" be adopted that each life is so sacred and so worthy of consideration that the most stringent of considerations must be adopted before any breeding occurs so that the lives created have a good chance of thriving.
But, on to other topics that do not involve speculation.
Folks, if your dog's eyes are runny and do not seem right, please, take your Berner to your vet. and perhaps get a referral to an eye specialist. My Yoda (1992-2002) had runny eyes from the beginning and required multiple surgeries to correct entropian. There are eye conditions that can result in blindness if left untreated so let the doctors have a look!
Lisa Allen

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