When I dressed my Hannah Anna up as a Berner bride (to create -- at the
request of my step daughter-in-law -- an invitation to a
day-after-the-wedding family reception for 75 of her relatives), I finally
resorted to putting elastic on a white confirmation veil and running it
under the "chin". Hannah wasn't thrilled, but it worked long enough to get a
priceless picture of a the bride (with pearl necklace -- a gift from the
groom), Thor (her Great Pyrenees groom, donning bow tie and French cuffs),
Molly (her Great Pyrenees maid of honor, wearing a pastel pink head piece
and pink necklace) and the officiating priest (Devon, the Doberman with
clerical collar).  Clare, the Harlequin Great Dane, was a stand-in for
Mother of the Bride.  The caption on the invitation was -- "This wedding has
gone to the dogs."

On a serious note, you can use black elastic -- which might blend in with
the fur better.

Nancy Melone
Mars, PA

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