I traveled with Freckles to the last National in WV.  I remember asking
Stacey G. about a diet while on the rode as Freckles was turning up his nose
to everything.  Her response was along the line of gee Jane, never heard of
Blimpies or Subway?  They make great food for dogs!

On a more serious note, when I was living with Bear, my first Berner with a
liver shunt, I spent a great deal of time studying diet.  I consulted with
Dr. William Pollak and studied his writing on the effects of a natural vs.
commercial diet.  The one thing he stressed over and over was MY comfort
level with what I was feeding.

He felt feeding time was a very important time for a dog and for the
dog/human bonding.  That it always should be pleasant and non stressful.  He
felt if you are stressed about what you are feeding that the dog will pick
that up and feeding time will carry negative rather than positive images and
it affects the animals digestion and over all well being.  Which made sense
to me.  Dr. Pollak is the designer of PHD kibble, but recommends a natural,
wholesome diet with kibble only for occasional use.

jane heggen & the boys of iowa

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