Just wanted to let everyone know that Molly is home from Tufts, where she had a TPO on her right hip last Friday. She is able to bear weight quite well on the leg, which is of course both good and bad! Good that she is healing well; not so good because she wants to do all her normal things (chase the cats, climb the stairs, go to the TV room and settle in on the couch). My husband and I are both home today to coddle her, and he is taking vacation this week and next.

The only real problem thus far is that she keeps whining to go out; we take her thinking she needs to pee, only to realize that she wants to be in *her* yard, where she usually spends as much of the morning as we will let her!

Don has been carrying her in and out, but we are hoping to get a ramp set up in the next day or two, as some of you recommended--hopefully before his back gives out! 75 pounds is not huge for a Berner, but it's a lot of dog to hoist!

We are just thrilled to have her home again, although the next 6-8 weeks may be rough in terms of keeping her quiet. Fortunately she likes her crate and is very quiet there.

Thanks for all the supportive e-mails in response to my first post,

Martha and Molly

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