I have had surgery done on 2 of my dogs for ED and have not done it on
several others. Here's my feeling on the subject -
IF your vet can actually see a fragment or chip floating about then
surgery may be successful. The most successful surgery comes from
arthroscopic procedures rather than conventional slash and tear surgery.
It does the least damage to surrounding tissue. 
IF your vet can not see anything the I would wait on the surgery.
IF your pup is negatively affected - meaning, he seems to be in pain and
limits his activity due to that pain then consider the surgery if
IF your pup limps but it never slows him down and the limp is mild then
let him be a dog and work it out. 
I don't know that there is a right answer. I do know that one of my dogs
that limped had surgery on one elbow and not the other. Both elbows gave
him problems til he died at 11 1/2 yrs. The other girl that had surgery
always limped. Neither had arthroscopic so that may have added to the
problems. I have not done any surgeries on my dogs nor have any been
done. All limping problems seem to have worked themselves out over time. 

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

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