In a message dated 1/5/2003 7:35:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> I currently have only one berner, she is my first berner 
>  and she just recently turned two.

Hi Arlene,

It sounds like you're moving right along through the 'phases' that come along 
with adding a Berner to your family.  After house training and manners 
training and surviving the adolescent hyjinx...the fear period takes hold, 
for the owner that is!

I don't think I slept much for the year between my first berner's second and 
third birthday.  Like you, that was when I truly knew...internally...all the 
terrible things that 'could' happen to take her away from us, and it scared 
the heck out of me.  

But somewhere along the line, I realized that I was wasting precious time by 
letting my fear of what *might* happen take away from the time I had... right 
in my grasp.  After mulling that over for a few weeks, I kicked myself in the 
butt and said 'that's enough of that'.  

It registered then that I'd rather enjoy whatever time I have with my Berner 
than two or three times as many years with another breed.  It sank in that 
making the most of  the time you have with your Berner is what matters, not 
the day count.  The load lifted, I started sleeping least until 
the 2nd berner puppy arrived and demanded middle of the night potty runs <g>.

BTW~ I'm still enjoying every day with that same berner.  She still makes me 
smile, she still makes me pull out my hair, she still outsmarts me, and she's 
still teaching me many things.  She'll be 11 next month.

-Sherri Venditti  

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