Admittedly I am not an experienced dog owner, Tatty being my first, but when researching where to get a puppy from none of the breeders we found would take back puppies for any reason other than within 7 days if the health check was negative (the legal state in France I believe). With the 3 cats my family have had over the year, all in the UK they were for life too. Two had to be rehomed, one due to moving out of the country and the other due to homelessness (mine after a break up, not the cats). The second cat went to my parents, the first my parents found a home for with a family locally who wanted an adult (ie trained cat).
I think that perhaps there are differences on either side of the Atlantic in regards to breeding animals, as I believe Mark has mentioned before. It seems there are also differences with regards to sales too. I have spoken to friends over in the UK about this, with the consensus being that they would not buy from a breeder who retained co-ownership, with one comment being: You wouldn't adopt a child and have to raise it how the birth family dictated, why would I want to be told how to raise my dog. Dogs are family members, and I share the view that they are for life, if there is a reason the dog (or cat) needs to be rehomed it is the family's responsibility to place the animal in a home that they feel is good for the animal, just as social workers place children in the best possible home. We know that when we got Tatty her life is around 10 -12 years, we plan to be in Europe for that time, so that is one security, we have jobs and a farm for us all to live. But things can come from no-where (there but for the grace of God passes though my mind every time I see a long term homeless person). Perhaps the last puppy had two or three buyers who just changed their mind. I don't know, I just hope the right home comes along for the pup.
I will be checking Tatty's vulva for signs of mushiness, thanks (she is licking a lot, so its hard to get in there, however she is in a growth spurt so her body is all different, so swollen is going to be hard to tell too) perhaps the vet will get a visit soon....
Emma and a soon to be prodded and poked Tatty in France

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