My HD fella , Aileron, is this way.  The sounds and the spinning and the
jumping are out of character for a dog with his hips, or rather, lack of
I myself love the sounds and the demonstration of affection, I like the paw
around the leg, the other two Berners are not as demonstrative as he is tho'
their greeting when I am out of their site for only minutes is more than any
other breed I have ever had.
The consistent 'off' with the insistence on not jumping stopped that
behavior, but I have not tried to stop the spinning and hopping and the
"love sounds" he makes. nor the grabbing and hugging the leg.  He does it
with no one else, just Momma.  Some people are more tactile and
demonstrative of their affection too.

Mine have never had to share attention either, now at times both legs and
arms are giving belly rubs, but must say, I thrive on the attention<VBG>

I used the clicker method to stop the jumping and it worked for me.  Had not
ever used it before but decided to try it for that and much to my pleasure
it worked!  Alas, new things can work as good as the 'old methods'  Thank
you Patricia Tackett!!!!

Rusty C & Good Company

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