Hi Everyone!
I have a question about lap sitting. My big Berner Boy, Stevie, who by the
way is now a "mature" one year old as of January 1!!, seems to think that he
is a lap dog! Stevie weighs approx 105 pounds and whenever anyone that he
cares about sits down in a comfortable chair he automatically goes over and
tries to sit on their laps. He also will come and "sit" on the couch or
chair beside you with his front paws on the floor and his butt on the seat!!
He gets this big grin on that beautiful face of his and just seems to smile
and smile. Also, if he can't sit on your lap then he sits on your feet. It
is very funny to watch indeed. Does anyone else's Berners do this?
Just wondering if this was a "Stevie" idiosyncrasy or a Berner one or none
of the above. He has also started carrying around his stainless steel food
bowl! Even when he is not hungry he will go and get it and bring it to me or
just carry it around. He may have even just eaten so it is not the hunger
that drives him to do it. But it is definitely cute and pulls at your
heartstrings!! But Stevie is good at the heartstring thing naturally. He is
the love of my life!!
Big Berner Hugs to All
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada
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