
I saw a writeup of this story. The man had filled his gas tank and left
his wallet on the top of his car by accident. Someone found it and
thought a robbery had occurred, an APB went out as a possible robbery,
the family was pulled over, the people were pulled out of the car and
handcuffed. They begged the officers to close the car door so the dogs
wouldn't escape, the one dog jumped out and trotted around to the
officer - who shot the Bulldog as it "viciously attacked him." The video
from the police car supports the fact that the police were asked to
close the door, and shows the friendly family dog trotting over to the
police officer. It's all under investigation, but it sounds like the
police wretchedly mishandled the whole incident. The family of four -
husband and wife and two kids - are understandably distraught.

Makes me want to avoid Tennessee, which is a real shame!

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

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