My two berners and their four cats send you deep prayers for the recovery of
Jessyka.  I know as well how resiliant cats can be, so at least she has that
working for her.  Do give your guy a big hug and tell him you know he didn't
mean to do it...
Please let us know how her recovery progresses.

Fortune, Faith and the 4 mouseketeers
Whitehorse Yukon

----- Original Message -----
From: "Susan Wilkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 7:15 PM
Subject: Aeryn's foul deed

> On Christmas eve. I brought home a tiny 4 wk. old kitten that had been
> turned in at the clinic by her rescuers after having spent 3 days and 2
> nights stuck down a well.  Any kitten who could survive that in the midst
> a Canadian winter deserved a home!  I named her Jessyka, after the little
> girl who'd been trapped down a well in Texas a number of years ago.  On
> admission she weighed a scant 260g, yesterday, 3 weeks later rehydrated
> well fed, she topped the scale at 900g!
> Baby Jessyka has recovered very well from her ordeal and injuries, is a
> member of the family, running & jumping around just like any normal
> Last night at bedtime (actually, it was early this a.m.) I had her out
> romping as usual while I got her bed tidied in her kennel.  I turned my
> for only about a minute when I heard Aeryn give a warning growl/bark.
> Investigating, I was horrified to find 'Ryn standing panic-faced over tiny
> Jessyka who was lying bent sideways in a puddle of blood.  "Oh Aeryn, what
> have you done" I gasped as I scooped the baby into my shaking arms. The
> blood was coming from inside her right ear, her head was tilted alarmingly
> to the right, her gums were white, she was non-responsive, her pupils were
> equal and responsive, but she was amazingly alive.  Now I was the one that
> was panicked.  It took my mother's calming words "what would you do if
> was a patient and not a pet?" to get me thinking straight.  I ran for the
> bottle of steroids, gave a whopping dose along with some antibiotics and
> sub-cutaneous fluids.  Got her wrapped up in a warm towel, and an oat bag.
> And prayed.
> It was a sleepless night for all of us as the tiny kitten hung tenaciously
> on to life, remarkably purring.  In the light of day her temperature was
> normal but she was very pale and severely affected neurologically --
> depressed, lateral recumbancy, no proprioception on the right side, and
> right head tilt.  I gave her another huge dose of steroids and hussled her
> into work with me.  X-rays showed a subtle divot in her skull on the left
> side (corresponding with the single wound I could find), but no displaced
> fracture.  She's mildly anemic from the blood lost.  Three hours after her
> 2nd dose of steroids, Jess began to improve ~ she wanted to eat but lacked
> the co-ordination, and she could now struggle up to a sitting position.
> Right now I'm cautiously optimistic about her survival, but less sure
> her degree of recovery.  In her favour, she's young (only 7 weeks), and
> kittens are remarkably resilient.  In just 18 hours since the incident,
> she's shown amazing strength and recovery.  She now responds to her name
> a unfocussed, head shaking manner), and can eat a bit on her own if I hold
> the food right up to her face.  She even managed to get herself into the
> litter box unaided.  Hopefully, her mental status will continue to improve
> as the swelling and inflammation subside.
> I'm devastated that my minute's lack of supervision should result in such
> tragedy.  For her part, I don't believe Aeryn meant to damage the kitten,
> just warn her.  But due to the tiny size it doesn't take much of a blow to
> do serious damage.  If Aeryn had meant to kill, the kitten would
> be dead.  Accidents are called that for a reason, they're accidents, but
> doesn't make me feel any better ......  All the dogs seem to realize
> something very wrong and they're all subdued -- Aeryn has been especially
> fawning all over me, begging for forgiveness (which was given).
> please spare some healing thoughts for my brave baby Jessyka
> sue(Aeryn with Devyn & Rowyn)

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