Thanks for all the encouraging words and healing thoughts for Jessyka.  So
far, they seem to be working!!!

This a.m. she was sitting with slightly less head tilt and able to stand in
a wobbly way.  This afternoon, if she's careful, she can actually walk for
short distances (2-3 ft). before falling over.  Although she has once made
it into her litterbox, she hasn't done anything, so I needed to express her
very full bladder for her.  Eating well, but only when syringe-fed -- thank
goodness for A/D diet!  When I open her kennel door, she comes right to me,
and will even follow wiggling fingers.

Barring any further catastrophy, my optimism is certainly growing!  I'm
pretty sure now that she will live, and it's looking more and more like
she'll be functionly near to normal given time.

keep up those healing vibes!


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