Well, this is officially the last day for the BARC LOC Challenge Fundraiser. With that being said, I also want to remind you that I always give you another week or so to allow the checks that were sent today to reach me before we do the drawing. I'm planning to do the drawing around Jan. 25th or so. That way people who want to mail cheques from Europe or Australia will be able to send in their money. We have a lot of items in this fundraiser (83 items to be exact) and because of that, the tickets are spread out a little more than usual.
that means that you have a better chance to win something. Don't delay - there is still time to get your checks in and to participate in the fun!!!

Here is the web site: http://www.overthefence.com/raffle/BARC/

All you need to do is click on the site ~ you'll find yourself drooling over the gorgeous Berner items that you can win. Grab your checkbook and write a check!! It's that simple AND you are supporting BARC or LOC or both!

I'm waiting for your check!!!
Joye Neff (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

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