Hi Pat and Berner-lers,

Pat Long said: "Should I just arrange with work to send my paychecks
directly to you? Would you settle for half? And could we neglect to mention to Paul just how many raffle tickets I always seem to purchase?"
* Well, Patricia, I guess we could arrange for half your salary to come to me for fundraising. It's getting close to that anyway!! ;-D I promise that I won't mention to Paul how many tickets you buy, when we visit you next month.

And could you make sure I get the winning tickets too?
* NOPE!!! BUT, you can wish really hard when it's time for the drawing. ;-D

* This is the web site that Karen Pickel made so you can see the FANTASTIC items in the BARC LOC Challenge Fundraiser. Has everyone seen it? You HAVEN'T? Then you BETTER CHECK IT OUT. Did you know that there are 83 items in this portion of the fundraiser? Yes.....I did say 83!!! With that many items, your chances of winning are pretty darn good!!! Please go to the web site and see the wonderful Berner items that generous people have donated. By the way, I am ALWAYS COLLECTING BERNER ITEMS for our upcoming fundraisers.

Oh, and did I mention that Pat Long and I are Co-Chairs for the 2003 Specialty Raffle in Long Beach this year? And, did I mention that we NEED TO HAVE BERNER ITEMS for this raffle? If you have any items that you can part with, or you'd like to buy something Bernerly to donate to the raffle, or you are terribly clever and can make a Berner item for the raffle, or you have some spare cash and you'd like us to buy something for you to donate to the raffle.....well, you get the idea......now just do it!!! Contact Pat Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or Joye Neff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and we'll tell you where to send the items for the Specialty Raffe, so we can have the "Best Ever Berner Raffle" at this year's specialty.

Thank you all for your generosity in raising funds for Berner causes. It makes my job a whole easier and so enjoyable to work with fellow Berner lovers like each of you. Thanks.....

Joye Neff (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

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