Hi Diane,
There are a lot of changes in a young puppy's life at eight weeks and that
can have an effect on their bowel movements. I don't know if he had a long
journey, by car or plane? Either can be very stressful and my advice to you
is to try feeding him smaller meals and perhaps include a fourth, add some
probiotics to his meals to help the bowel flora rebalance itself. You can
buy lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidus and s.faecium from a pharmacy or
healthfood store and feed one capsule opened and sprinkled on his food and
one capsule intact. Do this twice a day for several days. I would check
with the breeder to see if the litter was wormed and even though the stool
sample was negative at testing time I would still treat. Oftentimes the
parasites are not actively shedding eggs when testing and it can be missed.
I use the same type of kibble that you are using and it has not caused
diarrhea or soft stool with my puppies unless I feed too much at one
helping or put too much water in it to soak. Usually my young puppies like
their kibble dry and at 12 weeks I start to put a little warm water with

Be careful with the training treats especially with the baby puppy, it is
best to use his kibble as treats for training and no rawhides or "junky"
treats that contain dyes and sugars.

It can also be tempting to show your new puppy to everybody but its best to
let him settle with his new family and your household routine and even
though he might be having fun with lots of visitors its still a lot of
excitement and that is stress as well.

Sometimes it is necessary to rest the stomach for twelve hours and then
offer a small meal of boiled lean hamburger and rice mixed in equal
quantities. Simmer the hamburger for 35minutes or until well cooked and
then cool and skim and discard the fat. Rice should be overcooked and soft
and not the converted type like Uncle Ben's, cheap starchy rice is the
best. Feed small meals and slowly integrate and replace with the kibble
when the bowel movements are firmer.

Contact me if you need any further advice:-)

Rose Tierney

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