These are the items in the first aid kit that I donate to the various
raffles for Berners:

                                            Canine First Aid Kit

Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook

1. Thermometer
2. Gauze Sponge- dressing large wounds, cleaning wounds....
3. Gauze pads- cleaning ears, dressing smaller wounds...
4. Tape- porous and elastic, for securing bandages or splints or to
muzzle a dog....
5. Vet wrap- securing gauze pads without tape keeping wounds covered
till vet attention can be gotten.
6.Coated aspirin- pain reliever, help reduce inflammation.....
7. Hydrogen Peroxide- diluted 50/50 with water to cause vomiting,
cleaning wounds and drying hot spots....
8. Charcoal Tabs- use to absorb and bind suspected poisons, ease gas
9. Q-tips- cleaning OUTSIDE of ears, acquiring stool samples.
10. Cotton squares- general cleaning
11. Scissors

               OTHER HELPFUL ITEMS

1.  Leash- for use as a tourniquet, restraint, muzzle.
2. Ice pack- for heat stroke
3. Emergency blanket- for a shocky dog
4. Bag Balm- sores, scrapes and cuts to pads
5. Antibiotic Cream- use on any wounds or sores
6. Antibiotic Eye Cream
7. Eye Wash- cleaning eyes and to relieve redness
8. Nolvasan Wound and Skin Cleaner- Use for cleaning without stinging
any wound except for eyes.
9.Bendryl Tabs- for allergic reactions to insect stings, relieve
10. Imodium- for diarrhea
11. Phazyme and Gas-X Tabs- to relieve gas and beginning bloat.
12.Kwik-Stop-for torn/bleeding nails
13. Derma Dream- for any skin irritations/sores
13. Betadine solution- use on infections, sores, hot spots.
14. Allercaine- use for hot spots, itchy skin.
15. Derma Pet- skin and ear cleaner
16. Cotton Balls- Soaked in cream and fed to dog to capture and remove
from the stomach sharp objects such as glass.
17. Gloves


Lynne and the guys

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