Dear List
Just a note to let you know that Stevie is doing ok. He has not made too
much progress in the last few days. He is still unstable on his feet and his
head remains kind of cocked to one side. This is of course exacerbated by
his blown ear drum, and they feel that the inner ear is also infected now.
He has drops instilled in his ears 4 times a day and he absolutely HATES it!
If I get through this without him loathing me over his meds, it will be a
miracle. We endured a very harsh winter storm yesterday, freezing rain for
12 hours, followed by 35 cm of snow right on top. We lost our power many
times, but the sheer fury of the storm made it very difficult to get Stevie
out. I fell into deep snow and ice twice and was so frustrated with the
whole thing. But things are better today, although our power has been off
several times so far today. We are bracing for another Freezing rain storm
during the day tomorrow. Stevie will still only eat 6 or 8 pieces of kibble
if you feed them to him by hand, one at a time. He cleans just about
everything else up though, all in good time. I now am able to sleep on the
couch, and make Stevie's bed up right beside me, so that I keep one hand on
him most of the time when I am resting. I want to know the second that he
stirs.  My fingers are ok, except for the fact that one of the times that I
was out in the weather, last evening, I hadn't put my mitts on and when I
fell of course I put my hands out, and right into the snow! It shot
knifelike pain right through those fingers, let me tell you. I was quite a
sight, and ending up sitting in this mess, boohooing, and feeling quite
sorry for myself, meanwhile Stevie patiently laying there with his sling on
and looking worried. It was that look of his that made me suck up my own
discomfort and get him in out of the weather. Not that the bad weather
disconcerted him at all! I think that he was more worried about me! I am
doing physio on him at home, range of motion and stretching exercises. He is
such a good boy. He is not so shaky when he is on his feet, some of his
could be caused by his anticonvulsant medications, so they tell me. He will
only have a relatively short course on these, hopefully. Well, that is all
for now. Take care and many hugs and kisses to all your Berners and pets.
Love to All.
Karen and Stevie.
P.S. I wish to thank the person who brought forward the idea of the vet wrap
on his hind legs. He is much more aware of leg and foot placement with it
on. Thank you very much!!
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